For Our Kids

last updated 8.29.24

Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30am! We believe worship is for the whole family at every age, and we love to have your children with us during worship—noises and all. However, do offer several options for parents with young children to utilize during worship when needed:

Staffed Nursery
(Reopens September 2024)

Our nursery is open during worship for children ages 6 weeks through 3 years old. The nursery opens for check in at 9:20am. For more information on our nursery, click the link below. (Nursery will reopen in September 2024—exact date TBD)

CHildren’s Wing wiggle space
(Opens Septmber 2024)

If you ever need to step out with a child and don’t wish to check them into the nursery (or you have a child who’s aged out), we invite you to use the common area in our children’s wing downstairs! Video streaming of the service is available, as well as toys and books for your kiddos. (Beginning in September in line with the nursery reopen.)

Nursing Mothers Room

Moms, if you need a quiet space to snuggle your babies, you can find our nursing mothers room at the back of the building (to the right of the nursery).

Coloring Pages

If your kids are looking for a quiet activity during the worship service, coloring pages and colored pencils are available on the cart by the back entrance to the worship auditorium.


Foundations Classes

We offer Foundations (Sunday morning discipleship classes) for all ages at 11am following worship. Our adult class meets in the worship auditorium. Children infant through three years old meet in the nursery upstairs. All other ages meet in our children’s wing downstairs.

If your children are joining us for the first time (or if you need to update the information we have on record), please fill out the form at the link below and turn it in to one of the children’s ministry volunteers when you check in.


If you have any questions about any of our children’s ministries, please reach out to the office using the form on our contact page and we’ll be sure to connect you with the right person!