David Keithley

David has come home! After attending kindergarten just down the road from in Farmington, IL, it seems God intended to return him to his roots. David became pastor at Hanna City Presbyterian Church (HCPC) in August, 2013. 

David has served in ministry positions since 1993, beginning full-time church ministry in 1996. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) after attended Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Before coming to HCPC, he served as Pastor of Youth and Families at Christ Church in Normal, IL for almost 11 years.

With his wife Jennifer (married in 1994), David has 4 children: Peterson (adopted from Haiti), Wesley, Abigail (adopted from Guatemala), and Kathryn. His family is his greatest joy apart from Jesus, and he enjoys being with them, laughing with them, and pointing them to Jesus both in his failures and his victories any chance he can.

Ben Harding
Worship & Discipleship Coordinator

Ben grew up at Hanna City Pres as a fourth generation member of the church. He was ordained as an elder at HCPC in 2020 and joined the staff in January, 2024. He and wife Abby live in Hanna City with their three children, where they homeschool and care for a small menagerie of animals.

After many years of teaching music vocationally, Ben sensed a calling to full-time ministry as a pastor. In May of 2024, he came under care of the Presbytery of Northern Illinois to begin working toward ordination in the PCA, and he was accepted into the MDiv program at Covenant Theological Seminary beginning in the fall of 2024.

Abby Harding
Office Administrator

Abby grew up just outside of Hanna City in rural Glasford, but she didn’t begin attending Hanna City Pres until she “married in” in 2010, joining her husband Ben and his family as members of the church. Abby took on the office admin position in April, 2022.

When she’s not working for HCPC or homeschooling her kids, Abby writes and volunteers with Moms Who Write, an online-community for writing parents. Abby has also been accepted to Covenant Theological Seminary for the fall of 2024, where she plans to pursue a Masters of Arts in Ministy.