Part 2 in our call to bring peace to the city (Jeremiah 29:7) through listening…
Midweek in the Word
This week’s Midweek in the Word is brought to you by our Director of Ministries, Kevin Owsley. Thanks, Kevin!
Worship Guide for May 3, 2020
Here’s your sneak peak at Sunday’s worship service (check back on Sunday for an official version that might see a few tweaks).
The Church’s Fierce guardian, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
There are so many claims to “truth”. How can we know what to trust? Join us for worship today as we celebrate the Holy Spirit as guardian of Truth.
A 29:7 Moment for Friday, April 24
Might listening bring peace to the City?
Worship Guide for April 26
Here’s this Sunday’s sneak peak!
Midweek in the Word
Elder Ben Harding shares this week’s Midweek in the Word.
The Church's Unshakeable Worship --1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
C. S. Lewis said, “God whispers to us in our pleasure, speaks to our conscience, and shouts to us in our pain.” Even when circumstances are darkest, our True King invites us to worship Him with a right posture in our suffering, a right practice in our suffering, and all because of a powerful promise in our suffering.
A 29:7 Moment for Friday, April 17
Get to work on your penmanship?
Worship Guide for April 19
Here is a sneak peak of the worship for this coming Sunday. On Sunday morning when the message is posted, there might be an updated version with slight changes. Looking forward to “seeing” you this Sunday!
Midweek in the Word
Be encouraged as one our shepherds at HCPC, Fred Winterroth, points us to the GREAT SHEPHERD KING through the words of another shepherd-king, David in the powerful words of Psalm 23.
Easter Service, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15
The resurrection of Jesus gives His church a future, but does it offer encouragement for today too?
Good Friday Service
What did the death of Jesus purchase? A community marked by love. Let’s consider 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 together in light of the Cross.
A 29:7 Moment for Friday, April 10
You don’t have to be God, you’re just called to be faithful (by HIS grace) in your Jeremiah 29:7 calling.
Good Friday and Easter Sunday Worship Guides
Here are the worship guides for our Good Friday service (the video of which will be available Friday shortly afternoon) and our Easter service (which will be available Sunday morning)!
Midweek in the Word
Matthew 15:1-20 has some interesting things to say about our hearts during this season in which the familiar phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” seems to be catching in our cooped up conditions at home. Hope it hits home for you.
The Church's Responsibilities, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
It's Palm Sunday, the day the church has historically remembered the entrance of Jesus, Israel's rightful king, into Jerusalem where he was highly esteemed by the crowds. Just a few short days later, the very same crowds crucified him. In today's message, as we continue our series in 1 Thessalonians, our Director of Ministries Kevin Owsley shares the ongoing responsibilties, in light of Christ our king, in the relationship between our earthly leaders in the local church and the people they're called to shepherd.
HCPC Road to the Cross Holy Week Family Guide
One of our members put together this helpful guide to navigate the final week of Jesus’ earthly life leading up to His death for us on the Cross. Feel free to share it with family and friends.
Worship Guide for Palm Sunday
Here’s a little sneak peek for this Sunday’s service. The sermon will be accessible Sunday morning. Blessings!
A 29:7 Moment for Friday, April 3
Jeremiah 29:7… Seek the welfare (shalom) of the city…