We are so pleased to be partnering again this July with The Forgotten Initiative in Peoria, to provide Journey Bags for area foster children. Starting Sunday, July 1st, you are invited to pick up a backpack in the church foyer, and to fill it with essentials and comfort items for a special foster child. Please return your filled bag to the church by Sunday, July 29th, when we will pray together over the Journey Bags before they are sent off. For more information, please contact Rachel Fitch.
At seven he had already moved more times than the total number of years he had been on earth. And this time, like the times before, he moved with his belongings in a trash bag. A suitcase, at least, would have added a small degree of dignity to the whole affair--to be placed in another and yet another foster home before reaching 3rd grade. Trash bags break, you know. Trash bags can't possibly support the contents of any life, and certainly not a life as fragile as this. - Social Worker from "The Child I Didn't Adopt"
The Forgotten Initiative Website