Sunday March 22 Worship Guide

We want to invite you to utilize this downloadable worship guide for your family or a small “socially distant” group of folks, being especially mindful of inviting those who may not have adequate internet capabilities. The PDF has a clickable links to the recommended songs on YouTube for the gift of “teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16). You’ll notice that the guide also has a section for praying for one another. I hope you’ll take advantage of that as well as we link our hearts together in lifting one another up to the Lord in these challenging times.

In the days ahead, you can return to this page for prayer requests, midweek encouragements from your shepherds, and opportunities to serve one another in love. Throughout it all, may the Lord meet you and feed you with His truth during this season apart. May our God bless and keep you.

Much love, Pastor Dave