The Vindicating Justice of God, Psalm 10

Injustice exposes the heart of the wicked, the heart of the hurting, and the heart of our vindicating God. As disciples of Jesus, we are invited to explore these realities in our summer Psalms series: The Disciple’s Songbook. May God blessing you in the journey of following Jesus as He teaches us about more and more about Him in this time in the Psalms. (Due to technical difficulties, the video may not be accessible until later today. Thanks for you patience!)

Midweek in the Word, June 3

When do we speak up? When do we shut up? When do we act and when do we pull back? When do we meet for worship again? There are a thousand little decisions to be made. How do we which “good” is actually “best” in the moment. This Midweek in the Word won’t fully answer the question, but we hope it starts us down the right path. (Based on Proverbs 2; James 1)

Knowing how to respond to a given moment is tricky. Knowing the God who gives wisdom, not so much. Let's briefly consider Proverbs 2:3-5 and James 1:5 briefl...

Inoculated by grace, Part 3, Our Worship; Ecclesiastes 5

Join us for worship as we consider how we can be inoculated from despair in our worship by grace today as we consider the final installment in our Inoculated by Grace series. Feel free to use the attached worship guide to follow on with the music at home.

Our "stay at home" worship service at Hanna City Presbyterian Church on May 31, 2020. Join us as we consider how our worship can either slide toward self or ...

A 29:7 Moment for Saturday, May 23

Jeremiah 29:7, "Seek the welfare (shalom/peace) of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." One way? Our deacon's fund... (requires a login and use the drop down option to give directly to that fund).

With the economic challenges of some our community, perhaps we can share a little peace in light of our Jeremiah 29:7 calling to "seek the welfare of the cit...

Inoculated by grace Part 1: Our Work, Ecclesiastes 3:9-22

Thanks for worshiping with at Hanna City Presbyterian Church! While we continue the shelter in place order and have worship apart, we hope you will use these videos to link your heart to Christ and one another.
Today’s service includes the first message in a three-part sermon series in Ecclesiastes in which we will consider how the grace of God inoculates us against the despair of work “under the sun.”

The Church as Mother, 1 Thessalonians 5:25-28

As we celebrate moms on this Mother’s Day, let’s not forget the shared mother we all have, the Church of Jesus Christ which nurtures us and strengthens us in grace. Feel free to worship with us by following the downloadable worship guide as you watch the video! (Special thanks to our musicians: Marcia Nelson and Pam Winterroth for the prelude and postlude and to Dennis Dillard for sharing a musical offering before the message!)

On this Mother's Day, as we celebrate moms everywhere, let's not forget to celebrate God's gift of the Church of Jesus Christ which spiritually mothers us by...