Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 2, gives a powerful summary of who God is, how He relates to His creation, and How he relates to Himself. In this Midweek in the Word, we consider the truth of who God is in light of Hebrews 4:14-16 as we ask the question: How can a perfectly holy God allow unholy people like us in His presence without setting aside His Holiness for a second. (Hint: He can’t set aside His holiness lest He cease being God, so there must be another way…)
Midweek in the Word, August 26, 2020
This week’s Midweek in the Word is borrowed wisdom from our friends at The Gospel Coalition on the things we allow to form our hearts. Check it out at the link below!
"OUR ONE FAMILY" Psalm 133
The last in our Summer Psalm Series, Psalm 133 speaks of the beautiful gift of unity in the family of God.
Worship Service for Sunday, August 23, 2020
Thank you for joining us in worship as we reflect on Psalm 127 and the calling, continuation, and comfort of the kingdom work of making disciples from one generation to another!
Midweek in the Word, August 19, 2020
Director of Ministries Kevin Owsley shares reflections on Matthew 28 and the promise that empowers our mission.
Midweek in the Word, August 13, 2020
When life is hard, who (or what) do you worship? From Psalm 42.
Worship Service for Sunday, August 16, 2020
Join us as we consider the reasons for our worship, the ways we worship, and the doorway to worship. Psalm 34
Worship Service for August 9, 2020
Worship Service for Sunday, August 2, 2020
Psalm 131 offers some important truths to consider for our “Anxious Soul.” Thanks for joining us for worship today!
Midweek in the Word, July 29, 2020
What’s your shibboleth? In today’s Midweek in the Word, we’ll consider Judges 12, 1 Corinthians 15, and the call to unity only on what is truly of “first importance”.
Worship Service for July 26, 2020, "Quiet Depravity"
In our continued series in the Psalms, we consider the disciple’s songbook and our calling to be God glorifying repenters.
Midweek in the Word, July 22, 2020
Kevin Owsley shares some thoughts on Jesus’ cursing the fig tree and what that means for our walk with Him from Matthew 21:18-22.
Worship Guide for Sunday July 19, 2020
In Psalm 37 David deals with the anxiety that comes over us as we look at our world around us.
Worship Guide for July 12
Until we know that we aren’t inherently “good”, we won’t run to the One who IS good for us.
Worship Service for July 5, 2020
When it seems like evil always triumphs, how do we regain perspective? Join us as we consider “The Preserving Heart of God” in the Psalm 73 in our return to in-person worship at HCPC.
Worship Guide for Sunday, July 5th
Here’s your sneak peak for Sunday’s service. All songs are copyrighted and are being used with permission (please do not disseminate beyond our congregation). Thanks!
The Providing Hand of God, Psalm 49
When our “stuff” turn from a blessing to a curse, how might God turn it back to worshiping Him? Join us as we worship Him in our continuing series in the DIsciple’s Songbook as we look together at Psalm 49.
Our Return to In-Person Worship on July 5th!
A message from our pastor on our Sunday, July 5th return to in-person worship and a guide for safely returning. PLEASE read the guidelines!
Sneak peak to Sunday's Service
Click for a preview of Sunday’s service details.
Integrity Matters, Psalm 15 (The Disciple's Songbook)
Join us for worship as we continue in our Summer Psalms series. Director of Ministries Kevin Owsley will challenge us to consider the disciple’s call to pursue integrity under (and through) the holiness of our God.